Newborn Photography PACKAGE - Special Offer HK1,698(Original Price HK$3,688)
- 2 小時上門攝影
2-hour on-site photography service
- 一位小主角 (額外每位+$200)
one baby
- 最多 2 位大人 (額外每位+$200)
max. 2 adults
- 精修 10 張相片檔 (包皮膚修飾)
10 professional retouch photograph(include skill retouch)
- 額外每張精修相片檔 ($100 連執相)
HK$100 for each extra photo retouch
- 送其餘相片檔 (基本光暗調整)
All jpg files included
- 免費網上儲存空間
free online cloud storage
- 拍攝四款連家庭照
4 family shot
- 額外每小時 $800
extra HK$500 per extra hour
- 無額外交通費, 離島、愉景灣除外
no extra transportation fee except for Islands District/Discovery Bay
寶寶BB成長記錄攝影服務(只限屯門影室)Baby Grow-up Photography PACKAGE(Studio only) - HK$8,888
- 初生至一歲間每月一次攝影, 共12次
(初次為2小時, 其後每次為30分鐘)
Total 12 shot session from newborn to 1year-old on monthly basis
- 首次精修 15 張相片檔 (包皮膚修飾),其後每次5張相片
30 professional retouch photograph(include skill retouch)
- 額外每張精修相片檔 ($100 連執相)
HK$100 for each extra photo retouch
- 送其餘相片檔 (基本光暗調整)
All jpg files included
- 免費網上儲存空間
free online cloud storage
- 拍攝四款連家庭照
4 family shot
**** 預約時需付50%訂金,訂金不得退還
50% of total price upon reservation. Session / booking fees are non-refundable
**** 拍攝時間包括餵奶、睡覺、安撫 BB、轉換場景及道具等。
**** 拍攝期間,顧客不得攝影或錄影 (不論單反或無反),否則額外收取 $1000 費用。
Other cameras or video recorders are not allowed at the session
Other cameras or video recorders are not allowed at the session
**** 相片會按攝影師風格修圖,特殊修圖要求如執瘦、皮膚磨皮等,將另外收費;
**** Newborn 初生嬰兒最佳拍攝時間為 7-14 天大,寶寶睡眠時間較多,較容易拍攝
The most ideal time to schedule your photo session is between day 7 and day 14
by SatoruChoi Photograghy 初生嬰兒bb攝影
The most ideal time to schedule your photo session is between day 7 and day 14
by SatoruChoi Photograghy 初生嬰兒bb攝影